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August 17, 2009

Was Witty Headline Disrespectful?

The headline ("Human Torch" Had Issues Burning Inside) could have been worse. At least she wasn't accused of perjury in the attempted murder suit, in which case...

...I think you knew where I'm going with this one.

I'm all about comedy and satire and general bad taste from sources like The Onion, but when we're talking about a legitimate news source? It's fine in some cases, like when a local news agency expresses the local population's disapproval of government overstepping its bounds. Particularly in the headline I just referenced, many were outraged that an elderly woman had been arrested for urinating behind a bush when she realized she wouldn't make it to the bathroom in time. The headline, in this case, served as a public reprimand to government officials who'd gone too far.

But in the earlier headline I mention, this was a horrendous act. Countless people watched a woman burn to death, and many people were hurt in the process of trying to help her. To make matters worse, she may have set herself on fire intentionally.

Yes, the headline caught my attention. Yes, I smiled as I registered the wit involved. Does that mean I approve of a legitimate news agency using it? No. It only diminishes their integrity, and identifies NBC Miami as yet another pseudo-journalist organization more interested in ratings and advertised support than in creating thought-provoking, relevant news.

Please, leave the witty headlines to smaller news publications, satire papers, and bloggers.

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